Loving our life together!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Stephanie, an adoptive mom at Ni Hao Y'all - Where East meets South (can I relate to that? YES!!!) is having a 30 day give away to celebrate Thanksgiving; and it has already begun. Go visit her blog. You may even win but will surely glean lots of wisdom. She's a neat lady. See her blog using the button on the right.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Forever Family, Forever Home.

Welcoming two new additions to our family, and to America!

Sorry it took so long to get this post out. We have been WAY busy. Thank you for all the prayers, and love you have showed our family. The flight home was fine, and we all made it safely.

Our first week was very good. Other than HM throwing up in the middle of service, there were no issues. We think he had a stomach virus that was going around in China. He was better by Wednesday. Both boys are very intelligent. They whiz through their school each day, and love doing it. HM is in 2nd-3rd grade and PB is in 5th.

They LOVE the swings and the trampoline. They also enjoy the spa (when it is heated). So far there have been no food issues. They eat what is given to them, though we usually try to give them a few options.

It's monday again, and we are back to school. Me or Mom will try to post again soon.