Loving our life together!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Forever Day!

Day 2:

"Dearest Friends,

I forgot to mention yesterday that Precious Bundle’s nick name
means “Cherished by Heaven” and/or “Protected by God.” We KNOW both are true!

Day 2. The boys slept well, Gerald and I were up from 1:30 or so. But when
we all awoke, we went to the Lobby for a super fine breakfast. This hotel is really
nice; the mattresses aren’t hard!! And the smorgasbord at breakfast has a great
blend of Chinese and Western food and lots of fruit and vegetables.
We met Sherry at 8:40 to exchange gobs of money into Chinese currency. The
sooner we turned over that money, the better I felt. It was weird carrying a lot of
cash like that. But now it’s in the hands of the Chinese officials.
Next we went back to Civil Affairs for our interview, which proceeded
smoothly. I was impressed by the Assistant that asked us the questions. As she
repeated each question, she would look G and I in the eyes. Then Sherry would
translate. It was a really personal experience. Then the notary had us fill out a bit
more paperwork and then we were finished with that portion.
So we came back to the hotel and took the boys across the street to the mall
for lunch. My two darling eight year olds LOVE the elevators and escalators. We
rode them a few times, then went to good old American KFC for lunch. Man can
those two put away food. I asked Gerald if I could have an increase in my grocery
budget!!! Then we went to Walmart to find the boys a wallet and get some water
bottles. Didn’t find the wallets, so we’ll have to look elsewhere for those.
Next stop: the Police Station. When we arrived, the other family adopting
also arrived. They are from Spain and didn’t speak any English, but we were able to
communicate a bit and congratulate each other. Our children played well together,
both days. They were adopting a 2 or so year old boy, but had brought their 6 or so
year old daughter, and they have one more son at home. It was rather encouraging
to follow all the steps together with another family. Our boys took this opportunity
to have their picture made for their passports, and then they raced their trucks in
and out the sliding doors. Typical eight year old boys. After about a half an hour,
Precious Bundle and Handsome Man were officially Olivers, by Chinese rules. (We
still have the US Embassy to visit next week for more paperwork and finalization by
the US). We had our red books and all is well in China. Forever Day is completed 10-
Came back to the hotel and gave our boys their first gift as an Oliver: a
flashlight. Well, that called for pulling the blinds and turning off the lights and
having a couple of hours of making animals on the wall, and playing light sabers.
The perfect gift.
We also checked out the pool for later on and headed across the street to do
some walking, riding in the glass elevator (too cool) and escalator riding!!!!!!, and
eating noodles at a Chinese restaurant. You should have seen us ordering, since they
didn’t speak English and we didn’t speak Chinese. But a fine meal was had by all. PB

loves joudze, just like his mama.
Looked again for wallets in the mall, but to no avail. We want to put an
identity card in it, with a little bit of their own money. We’ll look again today.
After returning and showering we had a wild flashlight time, for it was really
dark now. Then reading time. They sit so well and read the pics. English words are
developing each and every hour! Yeah.
We are so appreciative to the Nanny and staff at the orphanage. Our boys
have been so well prepared. They asked the guide today what was the game plan for
each day, and when they would get to go to America. She made them picture albums
and gave us a snack bag and clothing and shoes. And they prepared them with some
English vocabulary. They can count to 10 and say the alphabet amongst other
things. The orphanage staff has been more than wonderful. We gave them gifts, but
we owe them so much more and are hearts are incredibly thankful for such a warm
and loving group of people.

In the back of one of the albums was this poem. It is so appropriate. (Disclaimer:
This is a tear jerker!)

Once there were two women who never knew each other
One you do not remember, the other you call Mother.

Two different lives shaped to make yours one,
One became your guiding star; the other became your sun.

The first gave you life; the second taught you how to live it.
The first gave you a need for love;
The second was there to give it.

One gave you a nationality; the other gave you a name.
One gave you the seed of talent; the other gave you an aim.

One gave you up; it was all that she could do.
The other prayed for a child and was led straight to you.

And now you ask me through your tears,
The age-old question through the years,

Heredity or environment, which are you a product of?
Neither my darlings, just two different kinds of love.

We marvel at God’s goodness to us. These boys are such a blessing and so typical

eight!! They love to explore and take apart everything, and everyday items are so
exciting to them like riding the glass elevator!!!
Thanks for all your prayers. Please continue to lift us up. Love y’all,
Gerald and Karen"

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